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NEABUG Project
was originaly created, in June of Y2K, by Dr. Zharko in an attemp to see
how much Free Stuff was available to User Groups on the web. After recruiting
some coworkers and a few family members into the group, we soon realized
we have a fairly talented group of users. I, Dr. Zharko, alone have installed
6 diferent Distributions of Linux, Solaris i386, and 3 different BSD *nix's
(Some succesfully).
Other members have done some
of the same as well as built a Beowulf Cluster, worked with MySql,
built Linux/FreeBSD Routers, setup Oracle boxes , etc.....
Our group can best be characterized as some people who try out new things
in the *nix/Opensource community and want to share our ideas.
If you are interested in
joining our Users Group you can contact drzharko@burgess.eifuss.org.
We are based out of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area and sometime we will
begin holding meetings in either one or both of these cities.
Items of Interest:
MEETING UPDATE!!!!! We are planning
a big kickoff meeting in June, keep an eye on the site for more info.
RedHat 7 is out! A couple members are checking it out, so check
back to see what they found.
Create a topic or post a message on our Message Board.
Pete and Karl Talk about the books Linux Network Administrator's
Guide, 2nd Edition and Building Linux Clusters from O'Reilly.
Chris compares RedHat 6.2 and Caldera's Edesktop.
If you want to get almost everything
you could need in one place, than this is the distribution for you. SuSe
7.0 Professional comes with over 1500 applications. A wide variety
of commercial software including Database software, Office products, Emulators,
Games, Web Authoring software, and much more. It also includes just about
every major Window Manger ......More